About Us

YetGamer was created by a collaboration of both new & old players who have a sincere passion for the game. Our goal is to keep you updated and guide you as you progress through the game.

Whether you need help with some of the most popular builds, ways on figuring out how to farm certain resources, walkthroughs and tips for doing missions or simply need to know the latest news and updates about Warframe, we are devoted to provide everything we can to help you on your journey.

In Warframes, there are several builds you can use, different ways for you to complete missions and various methods you can apply when farming. We have prepared everything you need to start your way from beginning to end and will make sure that all of the information you seek is available.

Our members are combinations of different players who have played from day one as well as those who shifted to Warframe from other games. With such experience, you can expect different and useful perspectives when it comes to the guides which you can use whenever you need.

Whatever you are looking for that involves Warframe, you will surely find it here and If something is missing, you can expect to see it sooner or later. We believe that meta does not matter but instead, it’s the passion to play and the creativity to execute based on the playstyles that our users are most comfortable with. YetGamer was made for the gamers, by the gamers.